pause, reflect and reset your mind in just an hour.

meet the shame-free system that helps you reach your goals without the hustle-culture burnout.

What could it feel like to stop spinning your wheels and direct those bursts of creativity somewhere that your future-self will thank you for?

if you’re feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and lacking clarity trying to make your dream life happen, it’s time to stop trying so hard and do something different.

the self-meeting guide


Sitting down with my soul-self / higher self / inner child / inner ADHD goblin who hates structure but needs it to function and asking, “hey, how are you feeling? how can I make you happy this week? what’s next?”

These are my favorite batches of exercises you can come back to annually / weekly / monthly whenever you want to touch base with your sacred self and plan out tangible baby steps towards those big dreams you’re working on.

These 8 pages come with the link to the editable Canva template, so you can get in there and customize the designs to your liking as well!

  • Annual Reflection: Looking Back (2 pages)

  • My Feeling-Good Map

  • Annual Reflection: Looking Forward

  • My Goal Mountains

  • Draw Your Future Goal Mapping Tool

  • Monthly Self- Meeting Guide

  • Weekly Self-Meeting Guide

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a chaos-to-clarity system that helps you adjust your sails along the journey ✨

  • get grounded in what’s most important to you + where you actually want to go in the next week, month or year

  • romanticize your life by documenting the moments that have impacted you (and what you’re learning along the way)

  • set goals you’re actually excited about and stop chasing the “shoulds” that don’t feel aligned for you anymore

  • make your progress towards big goals visual (and cute and cozy to boot), so you can celebrate each baby step you finish along the way

love for our tools from actual humans👇

the self-meeting guide

$6.99 $4.99

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